● 系统复杂且多线并发,沟通成本巨大,如果人手不足,更是灾难性的,最后每个系统都只做到50分,勉强够用还总出bug。
● 产品功能是否与自身的产品阶段相匹配,曾经在淘宝有用现在是否仍然有用,这些问题得不到充分的论证。
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear_of_missing_out ↩
2. https://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E5%90%8E%E5%8F%91%E5%8A%A3%E5%8A%BF ↩
via 拾月
● 系统复杂且多线并发,沟通成本巨大,如果人手不足,更是灾难性的,最后每个系统都只做到50分,勉强够用还总出bug。
● 产品功能是否与自身的产品阶段相匹配,曾经在淘宝有用现在是否仍然有用,这些问题得不到充分的论证。
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear_of_missing_out ↩
2. https://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E5%90%8E%E5%8F%91%E5%8A%A3%E5%8A%BF ↩
via 拾月
Photos Page
As you might have noticed, I added a photos page on this site. Something I wanted to do for a very long time but always procrastinating.
During certain periods of my life, photography was my greatest passion, just as much as I do today with Open Source and programming. Instagram was once a delightful, minimalist platform for photo sharing that I frequently used - until Meta's acquisition changed everything. While I could even tolerate the algorithms, ads, and short videos, the recent change of profile photo grids' aspect ratio from square to 4:5 was the final straw - an arrogant decision that impacts every user's content without proper solutions provided.
I am not sure if anger or disappointment are the right words to describe my feelings. But certainly, I am super lucky to be a frontend developer at the same time - so I can leverage my skills to build my own website and host my photos here.
So I requested to download all my data from Instagram (it takes roughly a day to process in my case), and then import them to the website. I use
Gratefully, the downloaded data is rather easy to process, and the photos track back to 2015. It's an intresting feeling to go though all those photos again. Technically speaking, my old photos are not honestly reaching my standards today. But they hold a ton of memories for me, so I kept most of them, hope you don't mind :P
Here here you have some of my recent photos:
It's a shame that the image quality from Instagram is pretty bad, as they compressed photos a lot upon posting. For that, I might consider to replace some of them with higher quality source I have in the future, but for now I think it's a good enough start.
That said, I wish could get back the routine of posting my photos often (as I am always saying 😅), especially now I have my own platform for that.
Thanks for reading! And I hope you find some of my photos interesting. Chesse!
via Anthony Fu (author: [email protected] (Anthony Fu))
As you might have noticed, I added a photos page on this site. Something I wanted to do for a very long time but always procrastinating.
During certain periods of my life, photography was my greatest passion, just as much as I do today with Open Source and programming. Instagram was once a delightful, minimalist platform for photo sharing that I frequently used - until Meta's acquisition changed everything. While I could even tolerate the algorithms, ads, and short videos, the recent change of profile photo grids' aspect ratio from square to 4:5 was the final straw - an arrogant decision that impacts every user's content without proper solutions provided.
I am not sure if anger or disappointment are the right words to describe my feelings. But certainly, I am super lucky to be a frontend developer at the same time - so I can leverage my skills to build my own website and host my photos here.
So I requested to download all my data from Instagram (it takes roughly a day to process in my case), and then import them to the website. I use
to process the images and compress them with this script. It semi-automatically helps me to manage the photos without me to worry about the image sizes for hosting etc.Gratefully, the downloaded data is rather easy to process, and the photos track back to 2015. It's an intresting feeling to go though all those photos again. Technically speaking, my old photos are not honestly reaching my standards today. But they hold a ton of memories for me, so I kept most of them, hope you don't mind :P
Here here you have some of my recent photos:
It's a shame that the image quality from Instagram is pretty bad, as they compressed photos a lot upon posting. For that, I might consider to replace some of them with higher quality source I have in the future, but for now I think it's a good enough start.
That said, I wish could get back the routine of posting my photos often (as I am always saying 😅), especially now I have my own platform for that.
Thanks for reading! And I hope you find some of my photos interesting. Chesse!
via Anthony Fu (author: [email protected] (Anthony Fu))
1. 有些事情线下体验和当面沟通的信任感,仍然不可替代。比如,我们在婚博会上购买五金,需要看佩戴的效果。
2. 博览会很多供应商参加,可一站式线下体验对比。比如,婚博会上我注意到婚纱摄影展位的人最满,顾客都在与销售一对一沟通了解拍摄方案;只要时间允许,一天就可以把所有主流婚纱摄影品牌店逛完,不用线下一家家跑。
via 拾月
1. 有些事情线下体验和当面沟通的信任感,仍然不可替代。比如,我们在婚博会上购买五金,需要看佩戴的效果。
2. 博览会很多供应商参加,可一站式线下体验对比。比如,婚博会上我注意到婚纱摄影展位的人最满,顾客都在与销售一对一沟通了解拍摄方案;只要时间允许,一天就可以把所有主流婚纱摄影品牌店逛完,不用线下一家家跑。
via 拾月